Can I get a refund or transfer to different test date?
Depend on a test, if you are not present for the test, you may, within 7 business days of the original test date, (A) transfer to another test date upon completion of the TRANSFER REQUEST FORM with a $5.00 (UH student) or $10.00 fee (non-UH student), or (B) receive a refund for 50% of the test fee upon completion of the REFUND REQUEST FORM and FORM W9 at the University Testing Services office. The fees for all placement tests, Institutional THEA, TExES Qualifying, CLEP, Memorial Hermann Admission Battery, and TCLEOSE are NON-REFUNDABLE.
How much do I have to pay for the test? There is no information about the test fee.
Please visit our website at
I am a UH student and I want to be billed. Why does the online registration say that I am not currently-enrolled student?
You must be a currently-enrolled University of Houston student on this campus to be billed.
I am a UH student. Will I be billed for the test?
I cannot come to the test I have signed up for, but I would like to transfer to different a test date.
You can only transfer in advance of your test date (at least prior to 48 hours before the scheduled test time and date).
Open as a Current User, and ‘View/Change Test Registration’ from online registration. Scroll down the cursor and click your test. Then choose ‘Transfer Registration’.
Most tests require that you pay a transfer fee. For some tests that are non-refundable, you are required to pay the full amount of the test fee again.
I cannot find the test dates I am looking for.
You have to sign up for a test at least 48 hours prior to the test date. If your selected test date does not appear on the online registration page, the date may be full or the test is not offered.
I do not have an e-mail address, what should I type in the e-mail field?
Please type However, it is your benefit to have an e-mail address. There are some free e-mail providers. If you forget your password or if the UTS has to reschedule your test, the information will be sent to your e-mail address.
I don’t know my username.
Click Returning UTS-Online User on the UTS-Online Registration Home page. Under ‘Password,’ click “What is my password.”
To retrieve your user-id, type your lastname, birthday and the email address which you used when you registered with the UTS-Online System.
After you submit your lastname, birthday and email address your user-id will be emailed to you within 10 minutes.
If you have forgotten your email address, do not have one, or have any other questions please call 713.743.5434.
I forgot my password and I do not have an e-mail address. What should I do?
Please click `What is my password?` under Last Name field. You can also call 713.743.5434 and your password will be reset to the birth date with the following format: mmddyyyy. Two digits for month, two digits for day, and four digits for birth year. If your birthday is January 1, 1980, your password will be reset to 01011980.
I forgot my password. What should I do?
Click Returning UTS-Online User on the UTS-Online Registration Home page. Under ‘Password,’ click “What is my password.”
To retrieve your password, type your lastname, birthday and the email address which you used when you registered with the UTS-Online System.
After you submit your lastname and email address your password will be emailed to you within 10 minutes.
If you have forgotten your email address, do not have one, or have any other questions please call 713.743.5434.
I have filled-out the New UTS-Online User Information and clicked Submit, but the page comes back to the UTS-Online -*-New User-*- page.
You must complete the information requested (shown with the red asterisk). If you do not have an e-mail address, please type However, it is your benefit to have an e-mail address. There are some free e-mail providers. If you forget your password or if the UTS has to reschedule your test, the information will be sent to your e-mail address.
I typed my name incorrectly. How do I edit it?
Please call 713-743-5434.
I would like to cancel my test registration. How do I do that and will I get a refund?
You can cancel your registration, but refund is only issued for selected examinations.
To cancel your test registration, open as a Returning User, and ‘View and Change Test Registration’. Scroll down the cursor and click your test. Then choose ‘Remove Registration’. You will be asked if you are sure you want to cancel your test registration. If you are sure, click OK.
If you are not present for the test, you may within 7 business days of the original test date receive up to 50% refund of your test fees. Please fill out the Refund Request Form and return it to the Testing Office along with your admission ticket. It will take 3-4 weeks for processing.
For some tests that are non-refundable, you will not receive any refund.
Is it a secure site? Is it safe to type my credit card?
Yes, our site is protected and guaranteed by Verisign
You only list Visa and Master Card as credit card payments. Can I use I Discover and American Express cards?
Your bank’s check card can also be used. We may include Discover and American Express cards in the near future.